
You receive 1 checkpoint per hour. You reach the following levels at the following number of total checkpoints

2 2 checkpoints
3 4 checkpoints
4 12 checkpoints
5 29 checkpoints
6 36 checkpoints
7 44 checkpoints
8 54 checkpoints
9 66 checkpoints
10 81 checkpoints
11 100 checkpoints
12 106 checkpoints
13 114 checkpoints
14 122 checkpoints
15 132 checkpoints
16 143 checkpoints
17 155 checkpoints
18  163 checkpoints
19 171 checkpoints
20 181 checkpoints

 Thus to reach each level, you need the following checkpoints: 

2 2 checkpoints
3 2 checkpoints
4 8 checkpoints
5 17 checkpoints
6 7 checkpoints
7 8 checkpoints
8 10 checkpoints
9 12 checkpoints
10 15 checkpoints
11 19 checkpoints
12 6 checkpoints
13 8 checkpoints
14 8 checkpoints
15 10 checkpoints
16 11 checkpoints
17 12 checkpoints
18 8 checkpoints
19 8 checkpoints
20 10 checkpoints

DMs have the authority at their discretion to award you up to 30% extra checkpoints for good play, be that through roleplay, combat, or exploration. Thus for a 2 hour session, you can get from 2 to 2.6 checkpoints. For 4 hours, from 4 to 5.2 checkpoints.

Exception: A DM with Deja Vu may award up to 1.4 checkpoints per hour.

Exception: One hour introductory modules only award half a checkpoint with no opportunity for modification.


Gold and mundane treasure looting is unchanged.


The following lifestyles cost no gold expenditure when you have reached the following tiers:

T1 - Modest
T2 - Comfortable
T3 - Wealthy
T4 - Aristocratic

You may adopt a lesser lifestyle if you wish. To adopt a higher lifestyle, pay the following 1 time costs:

Comfortable - 70 gp
Wealthy - 500 gp
Aristocratic - 2300 gp

Purchasing consumable magic items


Potion of.. Cost Downtime
Healing 50 0
Climbing 75 0
Animal Friendship 100 1
Greater Healing 100 1
Water Breathing 100 1
Superior Healing 500 2
Invisibility 600 4
Supreme Healing 5000 4


Spell Level Cost Downtime
Cantrip 25 0
1st 75 0
2nd 150 1
3rd 300 1
4th 500 2
5th 1000 4

Treasure Points

Treasure points are gained at the end of a session in which a permanent magic item is found.

Gain the following number of points based on the item's rarity

Rarity Points
Uncommon 1
Rare or Unique 2
Very Rare 4
Legendary 8

Add the item to the list of items available for you to purchase. You may purchase any item on that list regardless of rarity. The cost to purchase it is as follows:

Rarity Points
Uncommon 5
Rare or Unique 10
Very Rare 20
Legendary 40

The following items are considered problematic. Those who possess them on 8/30 receive the following as a replacement. They are not available on your purchase list. On finding them after 8/30, they award treasure points equal to 1/5 of the replacement value.

Item Compensation
Deck of Many Things (that hadn't yet been rerolled) 40 treasure points
Mask of the Dragon Queen 40 treasure points
Staff of the Forgotten One 40 treasure points
Hazirawn 40 treasure points
Shield Guardian 20 treasure points
Slaad Control Gem 20 treasure points
Giant-sized Staff of the Magi 10 treasure points
Spell Gems treasure points equal to rarity (5/10/20/40)
+1 Mithral Splint Mithral Full Plate

Exception: Treat finding +1 Mithral Splint after 8/30 as equal to finding Mithral Full Plate, including adding it to the purchase list.


You may only trade an item in your possession if it is of a rarity tier-appropriate for you.
Tier 1 - Uncommon
Tier 2 - Rare, Uncommon
Tier 3 - Very Rare, Rare, Uncommon
Tier 4 - Legendary, Very Rare, Rare, Uncommon

The faction agent background is not required to be a member of a faction.
The faction agent background is added as a requirement to reach rank 5 in a faction
The faction agent background is required to make purchases from a faction

DM Rewards

DMing for an hour gives you the following:
1 checkpoint
2.5 downtime days
The gold received depends on the character's tier whom it is applied to.
T1: 50 gold
T2: 190 gold
T3: 400 gold
T4: 840 gold

DM Quests

The following quests are altered as follows:
Ritual of Divination - .5 points
Ritual of Scrying - .5 points
Deja Vu - 1/2/3 points, .1 extra point per hour for players
Bounty hunter - 1/.5 points
Preceptor of Oghma - .1 point per participant per hour
Acolyte of Oghma - If out of game, .5 points
Zealot of Oghma - 3 points, 1 point, 2 points for the respective rewards
Level Up! - .1 points X seasons X years
Martyr for the Cause: 1 point for 4 hours, organizer gets 10 points
Adventure Calls: Double DM Rewards, except DT, plus renown
Slot 0: Double DM Rewards, plus Renown
Fanged DM equivalent: 1 point
Rotting DM Equivalent: 2 points
Scaled Dm Equivalent: 4 points
Withered Dm Equivalent: 4 points
Jungle Guide Equivalent: 1 point
Acererak's Harbinger Equivalent: 8 points